Thursday, January 1, 2015

Goat addictions and More!!
Our Nigerian Dwarf * rescued
WE mostly have pygmys so he is up for sale.

Merry, Noel and Honey.
Rescue Goats We think they are Nubian
They will be up for sale also
Crackers, she is shy

Butters and Hershey
 Say hello to Butters, Hershey, Noel, Merry,Honey and Crackers. We just got Several more since Christmas and I do not have pictures uploaded yet but they will be... VERY soon, I love my goats they are all friendly and I love watching them play.Well we started out with just a few goats, but have loved them so much that we kept adding and adding and adding so now we actually have 13 nannies and 3 billies! 4 are babies and we have several that are pregnant. 

My baby sweet pea. She likes to play in the leaves and never leaves the yard!
Meet Dutchess our mini pig! Wow she is a handful!!! I'm sure there will be many stories to come from this little booger. We are trying hard to potty pad train her. some days are good others are bad but she definitely has an attitude!
Our next addiction  is auctions. Wow this one can be expensive. We have gone to several in just the past month and found some beautiful things. We saw several things we wanted so when we do find our farm and farm house we will be ready to decorate. We went just to try and get the sled with the steering wheel but ended up with a wood stove, 2 wooden sleds, lots of jugs, a bow saw and lots of odds and ends. 

WE have the perfect farm laid out in our minds. We know how we want our orchard, barn, goatpen, garden, bees, and pond etc. ..... in the meantime our neighbors love our goats, chickens, pig and dogs LOL WE put the turkeys at our friends farm LOL.

I have started making and selling home made soaps, sugar/salt scrubs, lotions and chapstick. It is so much fun to experiment and know that I made it and there are NO chemicals in it :) Using my goatsmilk in the prodcuts makes it even better!!!

The next blog will involve our library and how important it is to gather books for your homestead!