My family and I have been trying to be more self sufficient. Our first adventure was chickens! OH MY I love my chickens. My dear hubby searched online til we found some laying hens and a rooster along with its tractor. Once we got them we realized we would prefer a tractor inside a pen so they could run about.
They have been a joy to watch. Learning which is the "Queen chick" and the pecking order was interesting. We have 4 hens, Henny Penny, she lays speckled eggs, Queenie who of course is the boss and the other two have gone unnamed :) but big Pimp our rooster is a beautiful guardian of his ladies. I have witnessed when a hawk flies over head he shoos them into a corner between the side of the pen and their house. This way they are covered by the roof hangover. We get 3 to 4 eggs every day and they are so much better than our store bought ones.
Next we ventured into a garden! That will be a blog all its own :) I also started a rag quilt, and canned jellies and jams and pickles for the first time EVER!!! All this along with recipes and my newest adventure of homemade soaps, lotions,and salves to come in a future blog.
Great job!